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Conversations about funny things
But I muted everybody

I’m hearing things, I’m hearing things
The wilderness echoes in my dreams

Take me closer to the good times

Thank you for following along

@lemadilyn07 thank you for the support since your freshman year of high school. can't wait to share more with you soon. 
@mylesranger we won't ghost you again. stay tuned.
@sillylittlegoose35 can't wait to share this new era with you 
hi @osnapitzmikaela. thank you for following along

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        <div class="albumInnerContent">
            <!--<div class="album-title">
                lightbox for festival announce
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                    <img class="album-img" src="./Image/FTP_DATES_1080x1080[3].jpg?kkk">
                <div class="pre-save">
                    <a href="https://www.fosterthepeople.com/tour/" target="_blank" custom-link-name="Ticket Button">Tickets</a>

<!-- Lightbox-STYLINGS -->
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     var BGImageArray=[];
    for(var i=0;i<14;i++){
   $.each(BGImageArray, function(index, imgSrc) {
        $('<img>').attr('src', imgSrc);

    let index = 0;

    function changeImage() {
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    setInterval(changeImage, 250);
